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tell a Fortune is to see
the Past and the Present!

Of all the tricks in a witch's
bag, fortune telling has got to he the most practical. Consider the
possibilities: no more rained out picnics, unwise job choices, waiting for
people who don't come and on and on. This section gives some
time-honored rituals for peeking into the future. As always, concentration
is crucial; for the magic to work, you must focus firmly on the
information you want. One word of caution you may not always like what you
foresee. However, bear in mind that these techniques reveal what will
occur if events continue on their present course. Change the course and
you change the future!

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One of the simplest methods of
fortune telling is the interpretation of pendulum movements. Attach a key,
the older the better, to one end of a seven inch cord. Hold the other end
of the cord so that the key dangles freely. Get the pendulum to hang as
still as possible; then ask a question that can be answered yes or no.
In a moment the pendulum will start to move.
If the key swings in a north to
south direction, the answer is yes. If it swings east and west, the
answer is no. If it rotates, the answer is perhaps, or that it's
better for you not to have this information right now. Pendulum movements
have another interesting use; they're the best method for predicting the
sex of an unborn baby. Ask the pregnant woman to lie down; then hold the
key over her abdomen. If the pendulum rotates, her child is a girl. If it
moves back and forth, she'll give birth to a boy.
Incidentally, instead of a key,
you may use a ring, pierced coin or any old object that can be attached to
a cord. Keep experimenting until you find the pendulum best suited to your

This is a very ancient method of
fortune telling, still highly regarded in occult circles. To start, select
three small stones or pebbles of approximately the same size and shape,
but of very different colors. (Semiprecious gems, which have inherent
spiritual powers work particularly well, but you may use any stones that
seem to give off good vibrations) From the three, choose one stone to
represent the Indicator, one for Yes and one for No. Your stones will keep
the meanings you assign them for all time, so don't forget which is which.
If necessary, write down their meanings until you are certain you have
them memorized.
Next, ask a question that can be
answered yes or no.
Shake the pebbles like dice and throw them, not forcefully, on a large,
rimless table. If the Yes stone is nearest the Indicator, the answer is
yes; if the No stone is nearest, the answer is no. The closer the stone to
the Indicator, the more definite your answer is.
If the stones are equally
distant from the Indicator, there is no answer to your question, at least
at the moment. If any roll off the surface, stop casting them for
twenty-four hours.
When you become adept at
interpreting the positions, add another stone to represent Maybe;
this further qualifies your answers. For instance, suppose the Yes stone
rolls closer to the Indicator than the No, but Maybe is between Yes and
the Indicator. Your answer is probably
Generally, pebbles must be cast
over and over before they generate enough power to he accurate. However,
as their (and your) powers grow, you may find that you can use your stones
to influence the future as well as predict it. Do this by willing the
pebbles to fall where you choose. For instance, suppose your question is, "Will
my husband receive a promotion?" Before you cast the
pebbles and while they're rolling concentrate on a yes answer. If you work
your will on the pebbles, you work your will on the future event!
Obviously, such potentially
powerful tools should be treated carefully. Keep your stones in their own
container, and hide them when they're not working. You may use them to
tell fortunes for other people, but allow no one else to handle them.

For questions that require more
than a yes or no, try this, On a piece of white paper, draw
a circle eleven inches across. Around the edge write all the possible
answers to your question. For instance, to find the name of your future
husband, write the names of all the men in your life.
Get a small top, the kind that
children use. (Try to find one in a natural material such as wood or
metal.) Anoint it according to the blessing ritual, (See Spells
for Protection); put it in the center of the circle and spin it.
Your answer lies at whatever point the top stops. If the top rolls off the
circle or stops at an empty space, it means that you haven't written the
right answer. Thus, if you were trying to find the name of your husband to
be, he may be a man you don't know yet.
To make an all-purpose circle,
write the letters of the alphabet, instead of specific answers, around the
edge of the circle. Then keep spinning the top until it spells out the
answer. (This method offers the widest scope for reaching information, but
it does get rather tedious.)

For a short cut to a spelled out
message, take the wooden letters from a Scrabble set and mix them up, face
down, as if you were going to play the game. Then turn up twenty-four
letters, one by one, and see if there is any message for you in their
first order. If the pieces spell out complete gibberish (as they usually
do for beginners), try to rearrange them, now face up, into some kind of
sense. Remember to move the pieces one by one so that the message has
every opportunity to reach you; however, you are limited to the original
twenty four letters chosen.
Though this technique is not
difficult, it does take time to develop the concentration necessary to
make it work. Don't try it unless you're willing to practice. (It can be
worth it; some witches swear they can find out practically anything from
their Scrabble pieces.)

The flickering flame of a candle
cannot give as precise information as the methods already mentioned.
However, it can tell you if your environment bodes well or evil for you.
To find out, choose a place that's free of any breezes. In that spot,
arrange three candles all the same color and size in a triangle and light
If the flame of one candle burns
more brightly than the others, you'll have an unexpected stroke of good
luck. If any of the candles go out, you'll have bad luck. If the flames
move in a circle, enemies are working against you. If any shoot out
sparks, beware! That's a warning that you are surrounded by enemies.
However, if the flames burn steadily, all will go well for you.

