The rituals in this chapter are
intended to ward off the normal, everyday sort of bad luck that comes to
everyone. However, they are also effective against black magic that
someone is practicing on you or your loved ones! In using these spells,
remember to muster all the love and concern you have for the person or
thing you want to protect. If you don't, your magic may not be strong
enough to provide the necessary shield.

Various malign influences are
always loose in the atmosphere. No matter what you do or don't do one day
these forces may decide to focus on you or your family. However, when you
start practicing witchcraft, the chances of drawing the attention of these
mischief-makers increase greatly.
Thus, if you
intend to use any of the spells contained in these web pages, make
certain that you also cast at least one (preferably both) of the following
spells; they create an unpleasant environment for evil spirits.
The right symbol (or hex) can
frighten evil forces and keep them from entering your home.
One particularly effective hex is this five-pointed star (also known as a

(See Amulets
& Talismans
Draw the star, in white chalk,
on the inside of every door and on the sill of every window. (Don't forget
attics and basements.) Make certain that the top of the star faces upward
on the doors and outward on the sills; otherwise you may bring misfortune
into the home instead of warding it off.
To divert evil forces that may
already be in your home, fill a bowl (preferably of brass) with water and
throw in a pinch of salt. Put the bowl at the head of your bed each night
before you go to sleep. As you place it say:
demons, touch not me nor mine,
Thy power I drain into this brine."
In the morning, empty the bowl
down a drain. (Incidentally. make certain that no child or pet takes
a sip of the water has stood overnight; it may he contaminated.)
If you fear that someone is
calling up evil forces against you, write his name, in red ink, on a
verbena leaf. (If you can't get a leaf, use a piece of paper cut into the
leafs shape.) Carry it with you always, and the person will be unable to
harm you.

To protect a child from bad
influences at school, parties, etc., gather a bunch of sea shells and wrap
them in an article of the child's clothing. Pluck a few strands of your
hair and braid them together with a silken thread. Wrap the braided thread
around the clothing and shells until you have a tight bundle. Keep this
hidden in the room at home where you spend the most time. As long as it's
there, your child will never forget the rules of conduct you've taught
To keep children safe from
physical harm for a day, throw a handful of sand, grain or rice after them
as they leave your home (but don't let them see you do it). According to
one of witchcraft's oldest traditions, the scattered sand (or rice or
grain) has the power to form a protective shield around children until
darkness falls.
If any member of your family is
going on a long trip, place a bunch of hazel nuts and an article of the
traveler's clothing under his pillow at home. The nuts bring the person
good luck on his trip; his clothes, combined with your love bring him
safely back to his own bed.

To protect your home from
burglaries, get up before sunrise, and put a pinch of pepper on the
threshold of one door and the sill of one window. As you place it there
sting rogue, knave or thief;
Who so breaks this bond finds grief.
I mean it for this sill and door,
And all through this house forevermore."
To prevent fires, light a red
candle during a full moon; then quickly douse the flame with a glass of
water while saying:
bright; fire cease.
I will you leave this home in peace."
Put the unlit candle just
outside your kitchen door. At each full moon, cast the spell again.
If someone or something (like a
dog!) trespasses on your property, find the intruder's footprints and
drive a nail through them. He (or it) will develop a dislike for your land
and trespass no more.

Whenever you get a new
appliance, bless it to remove any evil spirits it may harbor and to make
certain that it doesn't break down. To start the blessing ritual, clean
the item thoroughly. Next measure out a teaspoon of olive oil and add to
it a pinch of salt and a pinch of your favorite spice. Anoint the object
by allowing a drop of the oil mixture to fall on it. (The oil is likely to
stain. so choose a hidden area.) Rub the rest of the mixture on a light
blue candle, working from the center to either end. Then burn the candle
down to its socket. This basic ritual can be used on any appliance.
However, you may vary the rite slightly to increase its power over a
specific object. For example:
To bless a stove, light all the
burners and the oven; then dab a little bit of the salt and oil mixture on
each while saying:
food well and serve us long.
Bring us health and make us strong."
To keep the spell in effect,
sprinkle a little salt on a lit burner each Monday morning.
To bless a washing machine, add
a drop of distilled water to the oil mixture. Anoint the machine and
candle in the prescribed way; then light the candle; put it on top of the
machine and say:
dirt and soil away do roll.
Cleanse us both in body and soul."
For a small appliance, anoint
both it and the candle. Place the candle as above; light it and say:
I bid you welcome to our home.
It's here that you will dwell. I'll tend to you; you'll tend to me. And
serve this family well.

To keep thieves from your car,
take a little oil from its crankcase and add a pinch of salt. Rub this on
the steering wheel and each tire and say:
say these words my spell to wind.
And with this spell, this car I bind.
So he who steals it, though far away,
Will have no rest by night nor day."
To protect your car from
accidents, place a whisker or two from an animal into a small bag and hang
it over the dashboard. Then say:
these hairs guided the beast they served,
so let them guide this car through danger."

