To Find the Path to Truth.
Look within yourself.
Not in a Spell
Let me introduce you to
only requirement is that you share this information with others. Everything
here is the result of my perception of TRUTH. It is NOT intended to
represent the absolute definition of TRUTH, only what I am able to perceive
at this point in my experience. You determine what resonates with your
~Lady Ishtar

Truth of Polarities:
There are many
definitions of truth and different levels of truth that we are constantly
exposed to. Each individual perceives their life and surroundings according
to the level of consciousness they are experiencing. If one is "fearful"
then they will perceive things around them as "fearful". Their personal
"truth" is that all experiences, people, places and things are threatening
to them. However, if one is "peaceful" then one will perceive just the
opposite in their experiences. A "peaceful" loving person sees only the good
in their surroundings. This is what I call the "truth of polarities".
Truth of Oneness:
If a person sees both
sides of duality at the same time, then their truth is entirely different
from the "truth of polarities" experience. The "truth of oneness"
experience integrates all of the vibrations in ones existence, nothing is
ignored or suppressed, and everything is acknowledged as part of the whole.
We are ALL ONE is the truth of people experiencing the "truth of oneness"
Truth of Consciousness:
What if there was a
technique that would clarify the level of consciousness of each person,
place, or thing? In January 2002, I was introduced to Dr. Hawkins "Power vs.
Force" book. He provides a technique to discover the level of consciousness
of everything. He set-up a Consciousness Calibration for each person, place
or thing utilizing a numeric scale 1-1000. All vibrations can be calibrated
to fall within this scale. The concept is that 1 is barely existing and 1000
represents 100% absolute truth of oneness or full consciousness (Jesus,
Buddha, etc.).
The "truth of
polarities" falls within the range of 1-599 while the "truth of
oneness" calibration starts at 600. Fear calibrates to 100 while Peace
calibrates to 500. Oneness/Unity begins at 600 and increases to 1000 with
evermore enlightenment. Notice that Peace is the Polarity of Anger/Fear.
Peace is therefore only an experience in the polarities it is not the
ultimate solution or goal. The total integration of all "truth of
polarities" vibrations 1-599 must occur before the "truth of oneness"
consciousness calibration of 600 can be experienced. The experience of love,
joy, compassion is the only ways that souls can transform from the "truth
of polarities" into the "truth of oneness”. Note that the
mind/ego cannot perform this transformation... only the experience of the
"heart" transforms into wholeness.
If you are interested in
exploring your own consciousness calibration, I have created a
summarized version of Dr. Hawkins book "Power vs. Force" which utilizes
kinesiology to verify the truth. I have expanded Dr. Hawkins truth
detector techniques to include the art of dowsing utilizing pendulums.
It is interesting to note that the consciousness calibrations in the 400's
relate to the mind/intellect. The greatest intellect of the last century
(Einstein) calibrates to 499. This means that the intellect can not get us
to 500 or above, only letting go of the intellect and experiencing love,
joy, and compassion can our consciousness break through the 500 calibration
level. The mind/ego "thinks" it has all of the answers but only the heart
knows the "feeling" of oneness.
This whole concept of
consciousness calibration is only the intellects attempt at understanding
the oneness. The mind/ego thinks it understands utilizing "beliefs" but it
alone can never experience the actual "knowing" feeling of oneness. The
heart "knows" based upon the experiences of participating fully in life
embracing the polarities of ALL vibrations.
The consciousness
calibration is like the container that holds a volume of energy (chi). Each
container (physical body) radiates energy as a sphere that can be measured
in feet. I call this energy measurement; the "sphere of influence" or
SOI This energy can be determined using dowsing techniques (rods or
pendulums). For example, a person with a consciousness calibration of 500
can have an SOI of anything. One may be 35ft and another may be 100ft. This
measurement has everything to do with a person’s state of mind and changes
daily. For instance the more one focuses on low vibrations such as WAR the
smaller the SOI becomes for that person. People with consciousness
calibrations of 600+ always have much higher SOIs because their focus is on
oneness, which is a high vibration. Full consciousness (1000 CC) can have an
SOI of the entire planet!
The techniques to
determine your truth begin with your inner being. All TRUTH can be
determined from within. This ability is known as "intuition", "gut feeling".
The truth can be discerned by ASKING yourself, "Is this my truth?" .... then
listen to your body for the answer. For instance when I ask this question
and my upper back and shoulders begin to tingle, then I know that it is true
for me! If my solar plexus tightens up or a feeling of "sick to my stomach",
I know it is not my truth. Unfortunately this ability has been lost in our
society with all of the technology that requires a focus of outside of
The art of
kinesiology is another technique to determine truth. Kinesiology is a
scientifically proven concept that is not totally understood by scientists.
The body’s muscles respond to truth by becoming "strong" and to non-truth by
becoming "weak". The easiest muscle to test is the arm muscle that is used
to hold the arm away from the body and parallel to the ground. A second
person must ask the question and then put pressure on the extended arm from
the top. The first person is then required to try to be strong and not allow
their arm to be pushed downward. If the question is TRUE then the arm will
remain "strong" and not be able to pushed downward. If the question is
FALSE, then the arm will become "weak" and the pressure will result in a
downward movement regardless of hard the first person tries to resist.
The art of dowsing
is also a technique that is accepted by the majority of people when it
relates to finding water! However, dowsing can be used on absolutely
anything. The INTENT is set before starting the act of dowsing. For example,
when I am dowsing for the sphere of influence (SOI), I set the INTENT by
stating that I am measuring the number of feet that the persons energy (CHI)
extends away from their body and I call this measurement SOI. The energy
field can then be dowsed using "rods" or "pendulums". I have used both
methods but prefer pendulums as it is much easier and faster to reach the
answer. Note that if the person is not present but in a remote location,
then the use of pendulums is mandatory.