The use of Poppets is an age old practice, the poppet itself is similar to a
luck charm only much more powerful. Not ALL Witch Poppets are used for
cursing. Poppets can be used to promote health, healing, love, and
happiness, to protect loved ones from harm, and to charm friends and enemies
Types of Poppets:
soften candles and shape them into poppet figurine. Rub lavender oil, or
similar onto your hands first for ease, and ensure the wax is not too hot.
Use small pieces of coal or gems to adorn the poppet. For a more powerful
effect use hair, fingernails, or some token or possession of the recipient.
Cut round a template on two pieces of cloth, stitch almost all the way up,
then fill with herbs, or hair (depending on the spell) Adorn with coloured
threads, or draw symbols on. The name of the recipient can be written on the
(quickest way) simply cut paper into poppet figure, you can anoint with oil
it draw symbols on it. You can even stick a photo on it of the person the
poppet is intended for.
carve poppet into figure, glue on hair or use a piece of cloth from the
clothing of the recipient of the spell. Use paints or colour crayons to
adorn the poppet.
several plant roots can be carved into poppet figures. (potato, apple,
ginseng..)Make sure the poppet is finished before using it, do not carry on
carving once you start using it. This poppet is for short term use as it
will inevitably rot within a short time of making it.
mould into poppet shape, be sure to create a hollow to place hair,
fingernails or herbs, etc, before sealing. Adorn with paints or by carving
with a sharp object.
In modern days, the most common poppets are filled with herbs and incense.
But pure Witchcraft still uses the practice of urine, blood, fingernails and
The poppet will be magickally charged by the Witch, using a simple spell,
chant, song, dance, drumbeat. etc

Depending on the desired outcome, use the elements, winds, or moon phases
to bring life to the magick.
IMPORTANT: Take really good care of your poppet when
not in use. The last thing you want is to accidentally drop it and break it,
or set fire to it etc. Wrap it in white cloth and keep it somewhere safe. To
dispose of a poppet, dig a deep hole and bury it. Be sure to sever the
magickal link between the poppet and the person before disposing of.
This information was shared in the good faith that no reader will use this
to bring harm to another.
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