
Great Mother Goddess.
Saturn / Earth / Moon / Earth / Air / March / Aries / Virgo / Leo
(Near Eastern: Phrygian, Anatolian, Hittite, Syrians; Greco-Roman)

Cybele rules fertility, forests, mountains, bees, androgeny,  fortresses, turrets, bulwarks, city walls, holy madness, religious ecstasy, untamed nature, single motherhood, building with stone, and the reproduction of wild plants and wild animals. She is the matron of eunuchs, transvestites, and the trans-gender community. Her worship is a mystery religion that originated in Asia Minor, then spread through Europe and to North Africa. Variations of her name include Kybele, Khubele, Cybebe, Kybebe, Kubaba, Gubaba, and Kupapa.

Cybele's titles include Great Mother, Magna Mater (great mother), Cybele Magna Mater, Mother of the Gods, Great Mother of the Gods, Queen Bee, The Lioness, Domina, Mater Turrita, Mountain Mother, and Lady of the World Mountain. She was depicted wearing a city crown with the silhouette of a skyline, and was often accompanied by two lions. Her gown is said to be covered with flowers of many colors. Cybele is also represented by a large black meteorite. Her vehicle is a chariot that is drawn by panthers or lions.
 Lions and bees are sacred to Cybele. Her sacred herbs are myrrh, violet, grain, pomegranate, and heather, which provides nectar for bees. Fir, pine, and oak are her sacred trees. Her symbols include key, mirror, and labrys. Meteorites are her sacred stones.

Cybeleís feast days include January 23, and a spring festival held from March 15-27. Feast of Cybele celebrates the Passion Play of Attis and Cybele, centering on the death and resurrection of Attis. On March 15 there was a procession of reed bearers. On March 22 a pine tree decorated with violets, representing Attis, was taken to the temple and laid there. March 23 was a day of mourning for Attis. March 24 was Day of Blood, when male worshippers flagellated or castrated themselves in imitation of Attis, to honor Cybele. On March 25 the pine tree was placed in a crypt. On March 26, Attis was found alive before Cybeleís statue. March 27 was a day of rejoicing, when the statues of Attis and Cybele were paraded through the streets.

The Megalisia, April 3, is a Phrygian festival of Cybele that was adopted by the Romans. Her image was carried through the streets in a chariot drawn by lions. Her priests danced alongside her image, strewing flowers and gashing themselves in her honor. Ostara is an appropriate Sabbat at which to honor Cybele.

Invoke Cybele for fertility, rebirth, construction, psychic work, earth magic, and protection in wartime. She can also be invoked for healing, encouraging the fertility of Nature, and for building towers and skyscrapers. Honey and royal jelly are appropriate offerings to Cybele. Beeswax candles may be used on her altars, in her rites, and in spells which invoke her.

Orgiastic rituals, wild cries, ecstatic dances, and frenzied music of flutes, drums, timbrels, and cymbals are pleasing to Cybele, who was worshipped with all of these in ancient times. Her priests, called the Galli, were eunuchs who had castrated themselves in her honor. She had other priests, called Corybantes or Korybantes, who were transvestites who performed ecstatic dances and public rituals during her festivals. Initiates of Cybele underwent a baptism with ox blood, for rebirth.

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